Artificial Tooth Implants

Millions of people experience tooth loss in their lives. Causes include gum disease (roughly 11% of Canadians experience severe gum disease), chronic trauma from teeth grinding, and accidental injury. Fortunately, artificial tooth implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth.

An implant is an artificial root, made of titanium, which is implanted into the bone where the original tooth’s root once was. An artificial tooth is then permanently attached to the implant, making it look and feel just like a natural tooth.

If you’ve lost a tooth due to decay or an accident, an artificial tooth implant provides a permanent replacement that you can treat like your natural teeth. At Dr. Gina Ha & Associates, we can evaluate your bite and gums to recommend the best replacement option for your circumstance. Artificial tooth implants can replace a single tooth or multiple teeth.

The Process of Implanting Artificial Teeth

At Dr. Gina Ha & Associates, we offer artificial tooth implants for patients whose gums and dental condition make it an optimal solution for tooth loss. When you lose a tooth, replacing it in some way is the best course of action. If the space is left open, surrounding teeth begin to shift, causing more decay and impacting your bite. Artificial tooth implants can be a good solution if the gum and bones are healthy.

The process starts with a thorough examination, including X-rays, to determine whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. Options are then discussed so that you can choose the best treatment plan to meet your needs and budget. If an artificial tooth implant is chosen, we determine the best type of implant. A titanium screw is then implanted with a specially made tooth permanently attached to the screw.

After the procedure, there is minimal discomfort. Because the root is already removed, there is no danger of sensitivity in that tooth. The gum area may be tender for a few days due to the procedure.

Choose Dr. Gina Ha & Associates for Your Artificial Tooth Implants

If you’re in the North York area and are considering artificial tooth implants to improve your smile and overall oral health, contact Dr. Gina Ha & Associates today. We can fully assess your case and make recommendations to meet all of your expectations in about the look and feel of your implants for a truly beautiful and healthy smile.

Contact us today for more information about Artificial Tooth Implants.

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